日本北方言語学会 Japan Association of Northern Language Studies

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Northern Language Studies


Contents (ja)
[Special Feature: Converb]
Issues Related to Converb Use in Turkic Languages and V-(I)p bol- [V-CVB be-] in the Turkic languages of Central Asia (ja)
Shinsuke HIDAKA 1
On the Short and Long Forms of the Chuvash Conditional Converb (ja)
A Contrastive Study on the Auxiliary Verbs -(I)b iy-, -(I)b kal-, and -(I)b koy- in Karachay-Balkar (ja)
Kentaro SUGANUMA 37
Vowel Devoicing in Khalkha Mongolian: Effects of Vowel Type and Phonological Environment (en) UETA, Naoki 51
Adverbial Usage of Converbs in Modern Khalkha Mongolian (ja)
Lkhagvajav NAMDAG 65
Use of the Suffix -(n)AA to Indicate Location in Modern Mongolian: Contrasted with the Dative-Locative Case -d/-t (ja)
Munkhdaram BASBAYAR 79
On the Usage of Nouns Meaning “Person” to Refer to the 1st Person (ja)
Shinjiro KAZAMA 95
Areality and Genealogy in Linguistic Typology: A Graphical Modeling Approach to Pacific Rim (en) ONO, Yohei 125
Revisiting the Concept of Dialectal Boundary: An Exercise on the Ainu Dialects (ja)
Mika FUKAZAWA; Yohei ONO 155
Temporal Adverbs in Ainu Language Representing Points in Time (ja)
Changcheng MA 177
Negation in Ainu Oral Literature Texts: Storyline Functions (ja)
Jussi NURMI 197
ta and Applicative Prefixes that Appear in Ainu Verbs (ja)
Retentive and Innovative “Night” in Atayalic Languages (en) OCHIAI, Izumi 233
[Research notes]
Ainu Texts in Mukawa Dialect (1): A Story about Fireball (ja)
Yoshihisa KISHIMOTO 251
A Basic Vocabulary of Kangjia (1) (ja)
Yuki HARUTA 271
Hezhen Text (22): Natural Discourse by Mrs. Wenlan YOU ― “Treatment of Jaundice” (ja)
Linjing LI 287
Sentence-Final Particles in Solon (ja)
Baigala 313
Verbal Suffix -lu- in the Northern Dialect of Uilta (ja)
Yoshiko YAMADA 331
Back matter (ja)


Vol.1 Vol.2 Vol.3 Vol.4 Vol.5 Vol.6 Vol.7 Vol.8 Vol.9 Vol.10 Vol.11 Vol.12 Special Volume Vol.13 Vol.14